University of the Sciences "Thousands of Reasons" commercial
A new commercial was created to support the University’s new tuition reset initiative that launched on Sept. 6, 2017. The video, which was created in partnership with Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C) out of Wilmington, Del., features current USciences students and speaks to the lower tuition message while emphasizing USciences’ new programs, expanded facilities, hands-on research opportunities and Top 10 national salary ranking. It provides a unique first-person camera perspective to make the viewer see themselves at USciences. A custom camera rig, made from a motorcycle helmet with a high-definition camera and monitors mounted to it, was worn by students during the commercial shoot to capture a student-eye view of the USciences’ experience. The camera was created by the production company, Eskimo.
University of the Sciences "Tuition Equation" video
As part of its tuition reset initiative that launched on Sept. 6, 2017, University of the Sciences also created a video to highlight the main attributes of the new program. The video, conceived, written, and directed by the marketing department, connects the University’s history and legacy of successful alumni with the current top 10 salary outcomes and student achievement. This video lays out the details of the tuition reset through interviews with University President, Vice President for Enrollment Management, and a physical therapy alumna. Our third-party partner shot and edited the video under direction of the marketing department.
University of the Sciences "Proven Everywhere" commercial
Previous campaign commercial to support the University’s key message to prospective students: USciences is the science and healthcare-focused university that gives its students the access to the tools, knowledge and experiential learning needed for successful careers in healthcare and science. The video, created in partnership with Aloysius Butler & Clark (AB&C) out of Wilmington, Del., features current USciences students performing hands-on research with close support from faculty, creating alumni who are “proven everywhere they go”.
USciences "Alumni are Proven Everywhere" video
Conceived, written, and directed by the marketing department to encourage accepted prospective undergraduate students to deposit by featuring alumni speaking about their successes due to their education at USciences.
"Why USciences?" recruitment video
Conceived, written, and directed by the marketing department to encourage accepted prospective undergraduate students to deposit by providing authentic first-person answers to the usual questions that prospective students ask.
University of the Sciences annual holiday e-card animation
Concepted and created by the marketing department, this science- and seasonally-themed animation was used in a holiday email communication to all constituents.